Laudan Nooshin

Laudan Nooshin

Sound Innovation Scholar

Laudan is currently seconded to Charcoalblue from her regular job as Professor of Music at City, University of London.

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Laudan is working primarily with the Acoustics team on a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council entitled: ‘Place-making Through Sound: Designing for Inclusivity and Wellbeing’.

Laudan's background is in music studies and she has taught in music higher education for over 35 years. She has worked at City University since 2004 and before that she was based in the Department of Performing Arts at Brunel University.

She teaches a range of modules and has assumed a number of leadership roles, including as Head of the Music Department between 2017 and 2020.

As well as her teaching, she is an active researcher working in the broad fields of urban sound studies, film music studies, popular music studies and contemporary music cultures, with a particular focus on Iran and the Middle East.

In 2007, Laudan founded and continues to convene (with Professor Rachel Harris at SOAS) the twice yearly Middle East and Central Asia Music Forum. She is also a co-founder and events lead for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Music Studies Network and a Vice-President of the Royal Musical Association.

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The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2020 UK Theatre Tonic Theatre Communications Group Carbon Literate Orginisation - Silver
John Owens is a Charcoalblue Partner responsible for our North American practice.

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