Portrait of Julian against a blue background

Julian Messer


Julian assists and consults in all aspects of theatre design.

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+61 (0)3 9417 6524

Julian joins Charcoalblue with over ten years’ experience in project, venue, and production management in the arts and culture sector. His extensive knowledge and skillset in project management, facility and asset management, and venue and technical operations have been most recently highlighted in the successful delivery of large capital projects including Sydney Theatre Company’s Wharf Renewal project as Technical Project Manager, and Queensland Theatre’s Billie Brown Theatre as Operations and Facilities Manager, leading the consultant team from initial planning all the way through to construction and commissioning.

During his time at STC, Julian played a key role in effectively managing the project design team, reviewing all design work and technical specification information. He worked closely with Charcoalblue to ensure the functional requirements for both the Company and technical teams to be working in the spaces were achieved.

Having also worked in the performing arts as a Production Coordinator and supervising venues and operations, Julian has an invaluable understanding of the functionality of theatre spaces and the qualities that make them exceptional spaces for both the client and the audience.

Supporting the industry internationally since 2004

The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2020 UK Theatre Tonic Theatre Communications Group Carbon Literate Orginisation - Silver
John Owens is a Charcoalblue Partner responsible for our North American practice.

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Contact John