photo of Jay Sterkel wearing a dark green button down shirt, standing against a bright blue background and smiling

Jay Sterkel

Associate Director

Jay provides software and product development, creative technical production, design management, and operations and maintenance systems on our Experience projects.

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Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, Jay has lived in New York since starting at Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Working for several years in Off-Broadway technical theater and Database Development, Jay began working in national and international events and immersive experiences with agencies and high profile clients. Additionally, Jay developed and maintained business solutions for small business and entrepreneurs in industries ranging from boutique jewelry to psychiatric care.

If you were to establish your own venue, what would you call it?

"The Place" - A space with both individualized studios and open performance space for creative residencies and workspaces ranging as widely as possible from immersive performance and experiential technologies down to crafts and culinary arts; the wider range the better! The requirement would be opening the shared space to residents and guests alike for a curated evening.

What qualities should a 'great storytelling or collaboration space’ have?

They should provoke curiosity and possibility, not intimidate or demand. Spaces should have flexibility to re-orchestrate experience and the design should enable capability.

What first sparked your love of performing arts, shared experiences or technology?

Performance Arts from the beginning of school landed all the misfits in the same room, regardless of their understanding of where they were headed or what they wanted to do. I've been chasing the creative capabilities of diverse perspectives and skill sets ever since.

photo of Jay Sterkel wearing a dark green button down shirt, standing against a bright blue background and smiling off towards the right

Supporting the industry internationally since 2004

The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2020 UK Theatre Tonic Theatre Communications Group Carbon Literate Orginisation - Silver
John Owens is a Charcoalblue Partner responsible for our North American practice.

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Contact John