Portrait of Harry against a blue background

Harry Gill

Theatre Consultant Assistant

Harry assists and consults in all aspects of theatre design.

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+61 (0)3 9417 6524

Having been emersed in theatre from a young age, Harry joins Charcoalblue currently undertaking a degree in Design and Production with a particular interest in set and costume design and passion for architectural design. He has been awarded a number of accolades for his work in theatre, and most recently was the recipient of the Orloff Family Trust Scholarship for demonstrating most outstanding talent in design and production.

During his studies, Harry has worked in a variety of technical roles across a range of productions, including: ‘Flora the Red Menace’ (2019), ‘Mad Forest’ (2019), ‘On The Town’ (2019), ‘End Of Year Dance’ (2019) ‘Pool, No Water’, (2020). Harry’s design experience also includes Costume Design for ‘WOW - a new dance work’, Set Design for ‘The Hello Girls’, and Design secondment for ‘Chess’ at the Regent Theatre.

Through his experience in technical and design roles, Harry has developed a great understanding of what makes a quality performance space for the performers and crew who will be using it, and the details to be considered during the design phase of an auditorium.

Supporting the industry internationally since 2004

The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2020 UK Theatre Tonic Theatre Communications Group Carbon Literate Orginisation - Silver
John Owens is a Charcoalblue Partner responsible for our North American practice.

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